Luzerrn Technology Solutions Limited (‘Luzern’) fungiert als E-Commerce-Partner von Spectrum Brands (UK) Limited als eingetragener Händler (Merchant of Record) für Einkäufe auf dieser Website und verwaltet die Zahlungsabwicklung für Kundenbestellungen.
Wir ermöglichen die Bestellabwicklung, indem wir nur wesentliche Kundendaten an das Lager von Spectrum Brands (UK) zum ausdrücklichen Zweck der Bestellerfüllung weiterleiten.
Luzern Technology Solutions Ltd.
Block B, Ashtown Gate
Navan Rd, Ashtown,
D15 NP9Y
Registriert in Irland: No 361832
Controller and Joint Controller Obligations
Sole Controller:
The person responsible for the collection, processing and use of your personal data through this website pursuant to the General Data Protection Regulation ("GDPR") except as stated below under Luzern Joint Controllers is Spectrum Brands (UK) Limited, Regent Mill, Fir Street, Failsworth Manchester, M35 0HS, United Kingdom (“Spectrum Brands”) and will be data controllers in relation to the following processing activities:
- processing order fulfilment and customer service queries;
- the creation, maintenance and closure of customer accounts;
- the collection and storage of cookies;
- the handling of customer website usage data (including but not limited to a customer’s IP address, referrer URL, date and time of access, browser type and version, operating system of the accessing device, access provider, country and language setting);
- the processing of personal data in order to circulate eMarketing materials.
Luzern Joint Controllers:
Luzern Technology Solutions Limited a company incorporated in the Republic of Ireland and with a registered office address at Block B, Ashtown Gate, Navan Rd, Ashtown, Dublin 15, D15 NP9Y (“Luzern”). Luzern is a partner of Spectrum Brands for resale of Spectrum Brands products via Marketplace and Webstores platforms in Germany. Luzern is merchant of record and fulfilment provider under the partnership arrangement for all Luzern customers.
Spectrum Brands and Luzern shall be joint controllers of Luzern customer personal data in relation to the following processing activities:
Spectrum Brands processing activities:
- processing order fulfilment and customer service queries;
- the creation, maintenance and closure of customer accounts;
- the collection and storage of cookies;
- the handling of customer website usage data (including but not limited to a customer’s IP address, referrer URL, date and time of access, browser type and version, operating system of the accessing device, access provider, country and language setting);
- the processing of personal data in order to circulate eMarketing materials.
- Processing payments (data is anonymised & encrypted)
- Processing order fulfilment